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Program Description

Founded in August 2016, the Master’s Program of Business Administration in Southeast Asia of National Taipei University of Education is the only Chinese-instructed MBA class for foreign students in Taiwan at present. We have 2 full-time teaching staff and 13 professional teachers from affiliated departments, along with 17 current students and 10 alumni coming from five different countries. Our program has established industry-academe collaborations with 13 outstanding Taiwanese firms, offering internships with partner companies every summer.


Our Goals

The Master’s Program of Business Administration in Southeast Asia was established to cultivate management talents needed for Taiwanese firms to expand and develop Southeast Asian markets. We aspire to become an important training base in the country to nurture foreign elites for Taiwanese companies.


Program highlights

  • A comprehensive curriculum instructed in Chinese, with a focus in Southeast Asian business operation and management.
  • A career-oriented curriculum delivered in collaboration with experienced teachers in the field to ensure practicality.
  • Perspectives into Chinese society and culture to cultivate intercultural communicators.
  • Course work which includes a practice-oriented master’s thesis or technical report that solves workplace problems.
  • Internship opportunities in local and overseas firms, propelling students to begin their careers upon graduation.


Our vision

The program’s design principle follows a problem-oriented approach which is aligned with Taiwanese companies’ operation and management needs in Southeast Asia. Our teaching staff consists of professionals with a background in management from the Department of Educational Management, the Department of Education, the Department of Cultural and Creative Industries Management, the Department of Social and Regional Development, and the Department of Language and Creative Writing, satisfying the learning needs of the students in management, regional economics, and culture.

In addition to having an innovative, practice-oriented teaching method for our core courses, the curriculum also involves courses in Chinese society and culture, along with Southeast Asian studies. This allows students to acquire knowledge of both Chinese and Southeast Asian societies as they obtain their master’s degree in business management, propelling them to become some of the best talents in Taiwan, and to expand and develop Southeast Asian markets upon graduation.

To ensure practicality, students are required to apply management theories and knowledge learnt in class to the workplace through internships. On top of being supervised by professors from the program, interns will also receive guidance from professionals in the workplace. The internship locations are mainly Taiwanese companies in Southeast Asia, domestic Taiwanese parent companies, or service organizations related to Southeast Asia, which will be arranged based on the students’ interest and career needs. As a practice-oriented MBA course, we allow students to complete a practice-oriented technical report as a substitute for their graduation thesis. With a case study focusing on Southeast Asian Taiwanese companies, our graduates will develop a deeper understanding of their operation and management. This practical insight makes them valuable talents for Taiwanese companies right upon graduation.

  1. To equip students with skills in operation and management, analytical thinking, and problem-solving
  2. To cultivate Chinese-proficient talents with a strong understanding of Chinese society and culture for Southeast Asian markets
  3. To train operation and management elites for Taiwanese firms based in Southeast Asia


Career Orientations

Serving positions in local marketing planning, human resource management, and business development of Taiwanese companies in the ASEAN region Serving positions in Taiwanese companies’ headquarters in the country as a liaison to subsidiaries in the ASEAN region Serving positions related to ASEAN Economic and Trade Research and Development Institutions

Average study period: 2 years

Course requirement: A total of 32 credits should be taken, with 14 credits from compulsory courses and 18 credits from electives

Entrance Requirements

  • A recognized bachelor’s degree
  • Chinese proficiency level at TOCFL Level 3 or above, or any other equivalent proof (e.g. A university degree in Chinese or having studied at a university or high school in Taiwan)


Application streams (please find your application period accordingly)

  1. Students without special conditions (Priority will be given to naturalized Taiwanese citizens): Late September
  2. Overseas Chinese Students: From November 1 to December 15 Online Application: https://enroll.ntue.edu.tw/oversea
  3. International Students: From February 1 to April 30 Online Application: https://enroll.ntue.edu.tw/foreign
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