National Taipei University of Education's Southeast Asian Regional Management Master's Degree Program invites Associate Professor Zhang Chaoqing to give a talk on "Systems Thinking Education and Gamification in the Digital Age."
He will share his experience in utilizing the MIT Learning Edge management flight simulation platform along with the "Industry Life Cycle" theory for curriculum design and development.
Speaker: Chao-Ching Chang
Current position: Associate Professor of the Southeast Asian Regional Management Master's Degree Program at National Taipei University of Education.
Specialized subjects include International Business Management, Technology Management, Production Operations Management, and Industrial Case Studies.
The Southeast Asian Regional Management Master's Degree Program is the first Chinese-language MBA program in Taiwan focusing on recruiting foreign students. It features a team of professional faculty members and offers a rich curriculum that integrates practical management resources from the industry. Students in this program come from seven different countries, and graduates have received high recognition from Taiwanese businesses, offering salaries and positions exceeding the national average for master's graduates.
We are currently accepting applications and look forward to your participation.
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